Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Guide To Gold

Advice on earning gold in dragon nest.

The cost of some items can be daunting but you do not actually need any gold in this game - just do equalized pvp, it is fun. For pve all items can be obtained from dungeons, nest or with nx. Farming for gold just speeds up the process.

The highest profits are made by selling items from the hardest end game content. To do this you need to be skilled and geared. Currently HC Nests and RDN are most profitable. When future lv90 nests comes out they will be the most profitable.

I suggest when you reach lv90 you spend all your gold on improving your gear. Buy the cheapest items you can that will add damage or hp, replace these with better items then repeat over and over. When you are OP get a team together to do regular nest clears. Then make another character.

Technically there are four ways to get gold in the game:
1. Pick up in dungeons
  • from chests or killing monsters
  • hardly any gold is obtained from this
  • killing a dragon can give reasonable gold each
  • running dungeons can give 2-3 gold per run
2. Complete quests
  • gold from quests adds up and should be all you need while you are leveling
3. Sell to npc
  • anything that says in the description that it is junk should be sold to an npc
  • if you remember to water your crops then growing pansies on the farm and selling them to npc can be profitable
  • Pouches from commissions normally contain junk - you can open if you want but I sell all mine to NPCs
  • Golden goose membership gives you a small increase to npc sales. It can be worth saving up items to sell in bulk and doing so once you have enough faction points to get the good membership
4. Sell to other players
  • this is the most profitable way to make gold and what I will talk about

Be a smart shopper
  • Never buy nx with gold or vice versa - you can banned and will get scammed
  • Never buy gold with real money - you can banned and will get scammed
  • Remember that a lot of players will be trying to make gold from you so always look for the best prices
  • Don't trust random people. I have had people say "I'll give you 30 gold for that item you just rolled on" I thought they were being nice then found that item sells in the market for 100 gold
  • Do not give away gold or gear to people who ask unless you know them well
  • Do not let people you don't know trick you into not rolling on items - even if you died, if you were there you should roll unless you agree beforehand - feel free to pass to be nice but not because you have been told to - the exception here is with legendary items for other classes (which you can't use anyway)
  • Do not let people you don't know trick you into splitting profits from valuable items with them - would they have split with you?
  • Do not waste much gold on gear that is not for use at end game
  • Some items are expensive because they cost a lot to unbind not because they are good - like some unique items, special plates, epic/unique enhancement plates
  • Watch the cost of set items - sometimes it is cheaper to buy the mats and craft yourself
  • When trading outside the marketplace make sure you double check the item is the same as advertised (eg. if someone sells you a lv70 plate make sure it actually is lv70)

Using the marketplace
The marketplace is my main place to buy and sell. People also buy and sell from birds and there are trading forums. These might save the market fees but make sure you still check the price. A lot of players bird to buy gear just because they are too cheap to pay market value.

Marketplace Passes
  • these reduce listing prices let you list more items for longer and make your listed items come first
  • marketplace passes expire and you get a couple of them passes while levelling - I recommend not opening these boxes until you are reach level cap so you can make use of the passes
  • you can also buy marketplace passes with nx
  • If you need to sell more than the weekly amount in the market make extra characters and level them up to 24 - mail them items and switch to them to sell (this is also a cheat to get more storage and marketplace passes)
  • if you don't have a marketplace pass you might want to limit yourself to only selling items worth more than a certain amount (for example I never sell anything for less than 10g)
  • people leveling up need lustres but do not have much gold. When you have a marketplace pass active you can take advantage of this (and of your unlimited listings) by selling small stacks of lustres at slightly higher prices than the larger stacks

Buying and selling
  • when buying anything in the market (even if you have your market ordered by price) people with passes always appear first so always scroll past them to see prices from other people
  • make sure you check the price of an item before you list it - nobody is going to buy your item if the same item is listed for less
  • if you see an item that is really cheap you can potentially buy the item to resell. For example when checking price for althium you might a stack for 1 gold. You should buy this then re-list for its normal price
  • potentially if you follow trends you can buy when things are cheap and sell when they are in demand (like real world shares this can of course be risky).

What sells in the market
Check the price of everything you get - you have to pay to list so if lots of people are selling and nobody is buying either NPC or keep to sell later. Some things worth selling at the current cap:
  • gem and talisman cores (from goddess shop)
  • enhancement plates
  • certain accessories eg. rings/necklace/earrings (check price before using stamps)
  • Any rare plates with final damage (eg. rare lv90 ultimate plate)
  • lustres such as althium, diamonds
  • tech fragments - from hero battlefield
  • lv90 epic dragon gems
  • life giving essence - can be grown on the farm in 30 mins (price in market varies)
  • apple juice - can be made from apples that are grown on the farm
  • skill plates - some sell for 1k gold, others will not sell - ask your guild if its a useful plate before unbinding
note: unbind items only if they will sell for more than the stamps - stamps cost around 20 gold each

Take advantage of events/updates
  • When new items are released they are often expensive at first then the price drops over time so clear the new content quick when it comes out.
  • Previously when we had an XP event or a new class - there were lots of rich players making new characters and when they all reached level cap they all wanted to buy certain materials. These items doubled in price those weeks.
  • We had a week when the farms were not working - in this time life giving essence sold for almost double the usual price
  • When a lot of players are enhancing lv80 gear althium will sell for a decent price, whenever new unique gear comes out prices of life giving essence goes up
  • When a new class comes out a lot of people will want to gear this class so selling crude althium, low level plates and any gear for that class might be profitable
  • In weeks where there is a nest reset a lot of players do double nest runs so you may notice tech fragments and craft mats drop in price
  • Ladder points are given out on Saturdays so you might notice plates drop in price on that day as a lot of people have them to sell
  • If there are mass disconnections and no one can clear nests all weekend people sit in town and shop. It is a good time to sell anything.

  • If you have nx or $ but no gold you can buy stacks of 50 jellies and sell on the market for around 420 gold - can done with other items too (eg. stamps)

Ladder shop
  • You do not loose ladder points in your first 10 matches for the week. If you do 10 ladder matches each week on each of your max level chars then buy epic plates with ladder points from the ladder shop you can make ok profits. Most people do ladders the day before the reset.

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