Sunday, 12 July 2015

Farming On The Farm In Dragon Nest

Since the recent revamp farming is now much simpler. You can make some easy gold from using the farm. I suggest plant either apples or life giving essence. Here is a short guide:

  • Any character lv24 or higher can farm
  • To learn farming there is a quest at Irene where you have to talk to Murray then you will get farming appear under secondary tab of the skills screen
  • Buy seeds from Murray
  • To plant just click on the spots on the ground outside the hotsprings
  • You can only grow one crop at a time per character
  • Don't forget to make sure your character has the farming boost unified skill equipped when you plant your seed
  • To harvest you need a Sickle in your bag - these are cheap from Murray
  • After you have harvested make sure you collect the crop from the npc near the plots
  • Once grown I suggest mail crops to an alt to save your bag space
  • There are nx farming items but I do not believe these to be worthwhile

Planting Apple of life

  • Takes 5 days to grow
  • These sell for reasonable price at npc (around 30g from memory) - use golden goose membership for a bit extra gold if you npc.
  • Since apple juice can be used in bdn hc it is worth crafting to juice. Price varies but maybe sells for 160g (takes 4x apples to make)
  • If you don't have high level cooking ask in your guild since it will help the cook to level their cooking - I will cook for anyone who wants
  • It takes a while to grow so I suggest if you are doing on many characters you keep a spreadsheet and record the times planted on each character then when you get bored but don't have time for a proper nest run you can check the sheet and farm a couple of apples at a time

Planting Life Giving Essence

  • Takes 30mins to grow
  • Price varies - currently sells in market for 3g but when unique gear comes out prices may rise
  • To profit you can make many lv24 characters
  • Log in on each character to farm/plant life giving essence, then log into the next character
  • If you have enough characters you can do this continuously farming life giving essences
  • If prices were to go up to 5g ea and you had 20 characters and fast load time you may plant 40 per hour so you would make 200g per hour
  • If you have a spare laptop you could create a 2nd account and farm on it while you are waiting in town
  • I suspect some players use more than two accounts for this however be warned that people have been banned for creating a ton of different accounts
  • A simpler option is to just go into the farm when you first logon, are about to leave, visiting hotsprings, etc. You might get only a few per day but if you start now then by the time RDN uniques come out you will have plenty.

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